Northern Cincinnati Foundation


The Northern Cincinnati Foundation grants more than $100,000 in scholarship awards each year to talented and driven students. Scholarships range in amount and eligibility requirements; most are geared toward graduating high school seniors.

Scholarship applications open in early December and are due back in early March. Please check back for updated opportunities.

Yes! Interested in opening a scholarship fund?


Scholarship Recipient's Testimonials

The Faces of Our Impact:

Thank you for trusting me to carry on Shayna's legacy; it really is such a privilege to have her as a reminder of my "why". This scholarship will help so much with my college expenses.

Kaylee Mobley Shayna Smith Scholarship Recipient

I can’t thank you enough for choosing me to honor Corey’s memory and for the financial assistance to help me become a special education teacher.

Corrine Gogolewski Hoody Memorial Scholarship Recipient

Thank you for selecting me and helping me fund my academic future at Miami University! I will strive to exemplify the positive characteristics you saw in me, in remembrance of Zeke. Thank you for your vote of confidence.

Andrew Willits Ezekial "Zeke" Stepaniak Scholarship Recipient